Clareville – Paradise Renovations – Built by Avalon Constructions.

Paradises renovations was a complete rebuild retaining steel frame and basic floor platform. Re-leveling of the steel posts and beam structure was required.  The house was originally designed by Gabriel Poole. All materials had to be transported from the street down the steep narrow driveway to the main house via ute and manual labour. There was then a steep winding set of stairs down to the boathouse. The entire house was stripped, framed, relined, reclad, redecked, and reroofed. 

A new Boatshed was built off existing block foundations. The process greatly upgraded the finish and details of the house without any major change to the footprint. All construction was built with a limited and conservative budget.

Images: Michael Anderson Paramount Studios

Project Team

Architect – Architect Larry Eastwood – Eastwood Designs
Original Architect – Gabriel Poole
Builder – Avalon Constructions (Russ Davis)
Engineer – PMI Engineers
Joinery – Palm Beach Co.

Russ’s craftsmanship, background in hardwood construction and architectural detail meant that we were
able to achieve great detailing in the mini orb and cement sheet exteriors complimented by the
simple but quality detail in the interior plywood paneling and joinery.
— Larry Eastwood, Eastwood Design